The Full Electronic RAMA Concierto

Projektets mål er at skabe en helt ny koncert til DJM´s årlige koncert under Aarhus Festuge 2018.

Professor, Jens Chr. Chappe Jensen

Siden Jens Chr. Chappe Jensen til festugen i 2001 dannede orkestret Blood Sweat Drum + Bass, har han ladet sig inspirere af moderne elektroniske musikformer. Chappe ønsker med denne koncert at skabe en gennemarbejdet syntese af, hvad DJMs tre afdelinger kan præstere. I dialog med DIEM´s leder Wayne Siegel og DIEM-studerende, vil Chappe udforske mulighederne for at lave en interaktiv koncert for stort orkester, hvor brugen af elektronik, visuals og moderne dans kommer til at danne en samlet helhed.

The goal of this project is to create a novel concert piece for RAMA´s annual concert during Aarhus Festival Week 2018.

Since Chappe formed the orchestra Blood Sweat Drum + Bass for the Aarhus Festival Week 2001, he has been inspired by the use of electronics in connection with large ensembles. His wish for this concert is to make a thoroughly elaborated synthesis of the artistic forces of the three major departments at RAMA. Through a dialogue with head of DIEM Wayne Siegel and his students, Chappe will explore the potential of creating an interactive concert for large orchestra, in which the use of electronics, visuals and modern dance will fuse into an integrated whole.

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