To be accepted, students must take an entrance exam that is described in entry requirements.
Application fee
Please note: When applying for programmes at The Royal Academy of Music, you will be charged an application fee (DKK 500) which covers the costs of the auditions. The fee is non-refundable unless the application is cancelled before the application deadline.
There’s no application fee for the bachelor in Music and Co-creation/Musik og Samskabelse (Holstebro) with application deadline 01 February 2025.
The application is not valid until your payment of the fee has been registrered.
You must apply online via (Please note: For non-EU/EEA-applicants and for soloists applicants the system will open for applications from 3 December 2024.)
Open for application for the study year 25/26 from 01 November. is the application system for all education institutes under the Ministry of Culture.
Please note: We strongly recommend that you begin the application process in good time in case of technical issues or needed support. The completed and submitted application must be found in the system by the deadline.
Regarding exchange students, please read here.
Mid-December, bachelor and master applicants for the classical and jazz/pop departments will receive information on the dates for entrance exams.
Mid-December, applicants for the electronic department (DIEM) and songwriting will receive information on the admission procedure.
Application deadlines
Please note: If this is a Saturday, Sunday or holiday the deadline is the first coming weekday at noon.
- Deadline for bachelor and master: 01 December 2024 at noon
- Deadline for bachelor in Music and Co-creation (Holstebro): 01 February 2025 at noon
- Deadline for soloist: 01 March 2025 at noon
(Application opens 03 December 2024)
- Deadline for NOMAZZ (Nordic Master in Jazz): 18 March 2025 at noon
- Deadline ordinary educations for non-EU/EEA-applicants: 01 March 2025 at noon.
(Application opens 03 December 2024) - Deadline for Master in Electronic music production: 07 April 2025 at noon.
Important Notice! Due to special circumstances, the application deadline for the Jazz/Pop Choir Directing (master, soloist and professional master) has been extended to 17 March 2025 at 12:00 noon. Open for registration now.
Further education
Information and deadlines can be found here.
Entry exams
Information about admission requirements here.
All entry exams are with attendance at The Royal Academy of Music.
Applicants from EU/EEA countries not residing in Denmark:
- Jazz/pop Music, Aalborg: may take the entry exam online.
Please read this document. - Electronic Sound and Music, Aalborg: may take the entry exam online.
- Music and Co-creation, Holstebro: may take the concert online.
The tests in Co-creation and general musical skills are with attendance in Holstebro. - Songwriting, Electronic Composition, Rhythmic Composition, Aarhus: may take the entry exam online.
- Classical Composition, Aarhus: Entry exams for the bachelor programme is with attendance in Aarhus. Entry exams for master and soloist programme may take place online.
- Jazz/pop Music, Aarhus: may take the entry exam online.
Please read this document.
No later than 30th of December 2024 the applicant sends a link to a video of a concert (duration max 10 minutes).
The pedagogical test for master applicants for the music teacher programme is with attendance in Aarhus. - Jazz/pop Music and Movement, Aarhus: may take the concert and the test in general musical skills online.
Please read this document.
No later than 30th of December 2024 the applicant sends a link to a video of a concert (duration max 10 minutes).
The test in Singing, Dancing and Playing (SDS) is with attendance in Aarhus. - General Music Education, Aarhus: may take the second round (individual test and test in ear training and theory) online.
First round (test in Music teaching and presentation of main instrument/vocal is with attendance in Aarhus.
The test in music conducting/directing for master applicants is with attendance in Aarhus. - Classical programmes, Aarhus: all entry exams are with attendance in Aarhus.
Entry exams are scheduled
(please note that we cannot provide you with a more specific time and date until after the application deadline)
- Electronic Sound and Music, bachelor: 14, 15 and 16 January
- Jazz/Pop, bachelor and master: 06, 07 and 08 January
- Jazz/Pop, bachelor (2nd round): week 5
- Jazz/Pop, soloist: 27 March
- Jazz/Pop, bachelor (1st round): Week 2 and 3
- Jazz/Pop, bachelor (2nd round): Week 4 and 5
- Jazz/Pop, master: Week 3 and 4
- General Music Education, bachelor and master : Week 3 and 4
- NOMAZZ: 28 April
- Jazz/Pop programmes, soloist: 08, 09 and 10 April
- Classical programmes, bachelor and master : 06-24 January
- Classical programmes, soloist: 24-28 March
- Jazz/Pop composition, master: 20 January
- Jazz/Pop composition, soloist: 01 April
- Songwriting, bachelor and master: 20 and 21 January
- Songwriting, soloist: 04 April
- Electronic composition, bachelor and master: 21, 22 and 23 January
- Electronic composition, soloist: 09 and 11 April
- Classical composition, bachelor and master: 20 January
- Classical composition, soloist: 01 April
- Music and Co-creation, bachelor: 04, 05 and 06 April
You may expect the final answer to your application for admission for either undergraduate or graduate studies in the middle of March. Soloist in May/June.
Please contact a study coordinator if you have questions regarding application or entry exams.
Jazz/Pop/electronic music/choir leading – Anne Vilsen
Jazz/Pop – Jolle Jette Jensen
AM/NOMAZZ/D-RMB – Birgitte Thomsen
Classical – Sara Adel Præstholm
Electronic Composition/Songwriting/ Pop-Jazz Composition – Britta Sandell Casper
Music and Co-creation – Britta Sandell Casper
Information Meetings
Information meetings regarding the ordinary study programs are held in the fall. For more information, click here.
Coordinated Entry Examinations
Entry exams for a range of undergraduate programs at Danish music academies are coordinated. This means that you are able to apply for studies simultaneously in several music academies in a prioritised order.
Tuition fees
Tuition fees will be charged from students from non-EU/EEA countries. Read more.
Complaint procedures
A complaint in connection with the audition must be submitted to the academy no later than two weeks after the announcement of the result. Please contact study administration for further information.
All applicants are expected to be able to follow tuition and communicate in Danish and/or English. Applicants from Sweden, Norway, Iceland and the Faroe Islands are expected to be able to follow tuition in Danish unless otherwise agreed upon. We encourage all of our foreign students to learn Danish during their stay.