RMB – Jazz/Pop, Drum & Dance (Aarhus)
In a sense, you study four main instruments on the RMB programme: your own instrument plus singing, dancing, and percussion. Singing and dancing are integral parts of the programme through the Singing, Dancing and Playing (SDS) subject, no matter what your main instrument is.
Through tuition, you acquire the knowledge, skills, and qualifications necessary to work as a jazz/pop musician/singer in performance and tuition contexts, both on your main instrument and within SDS.
The programme gives you space for play and for being creative. SDS makes it possible to create a unique space for bodily and creative expression. It also creates a strong sense of unity across student years.
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All styles
RMB works within all jazz/pop/global styles, approaching them from new, creative, playful and artistic angles, and with a willingness to mix established traditions with modern music and dancing.
One of the year’s highlights is the annual RMB touring show. You will participate in creating the show from the ground up, and you will tour with the show to boarding schools, Danish folk high schools, and so on.
In addition, we arrange annual study trips to e.g. Africa, Cuba, or Brazil, giving you an opportunity to get very close to the music traditions of other cultures. Music from other cultures in general plays a major role on the RMB programme, not least music with strong ties to dancing.

(Visiting Tanzania, January 2024)
Bachelor degree (3 years)
The RMB bachelor degree (BMus Jazz/Pop, Drum & Dance) gives you the knowledge, skills, and qualifications necessary to become a jazz/pop musician/vocalist, teacher, and dancer, and an enterprising music industry player.
The course subjects are divided into the following fields:
- Main study area: subjects where the student is a performer as well as subjects that support this aspect
- Pedagogics: subjects where the student communicates and teaches as well as subjects that support this aspect
- General studies: elementary support subjects mandatory for all BMus students
- Entrepreneurial Studies: subjects and projects where students gain experience as entrepreneurs and managers of dynamic processes and acquire career management tools
- Bachelor project: The programme is concluded with the bachelor project; a specialisation defined by the student based on his or her interests and requirements
After the BMus degree
The RMB programme is only offered at BMus level. However, you can select SDS as a supplementary main subject on the RM (Music Teacher) MMus programme. You can also select SDS as a main instrument on the RM (Musician) programme and on a soloist programme.
You can find the relevant curricula in the general overview here.