Jazz/Pop Music (Aalborg)

A common feature in all the programmes is that you must first and foremost be an exceptionally skilled musician or singer. In addition, there is a strong focus on songwriting/composition and teaching skills.

As a student in Aalborg, you become part of an international study environment, where there is room for high ambitions and 24/7 access to unique facilities.

Meet Federico, international student (until 2021) at Jazz/Pop Music in Aalborg (to watch the video, please accept marketing cookies. Cookie declaration at the bottom of the page):

Bachelor degree (3 years)

The Bachelor program makes you prepared for a career as a musician, songwriter/composer and music teacher.
The subjects are divided into the following areas:

  • Main area: Main Instrument/Vocal Studies, Ensemble, Songwriting/Composition, Ear training and Piano. You also have a Flex course which allows for individual specialization
  • Pedagogy: In the first year you get an introduction to Rhythm and Coordination. In the second and third years, you will learn how to teach your Main Instrument/Vocal studies and one of the following subjects: Innovative Choir Leading, Ensemble Conducting or Rhythm and Coordination Teaching Practice
  • General subjects: Music Technology, Music History and Music Theory/Arrangement
  • Entrepreneurial Studies: -provides you with career management tools and more
  • Bachelor Project: Choose a project such as composing and recording your own music

Learn about the test in general music skills at the entrance exam:

(to watch the video, please accept marketing cookies. Cookie declaration at the bottom of the page.)

Master’s degree (2 years)

The Master’s program builds on your skills as a musician/singer, songwriter/composer and music teacher.
The education has a constant focus on:

  • Main Instrument/Vocal Studies and Ensemble. The main area of the program also contains teaching skills in your main instrument/vocal studies as well as artistic and/or pedagogical electives
  • You have one elective subject per year, and you can choose among courses such as: Songwriting, Composition, Music Production, Children’s Music and Innovative Choir Leading
  • The FLEX course gives you the opportunity for individual specialization
  • Entrepreneurial Studies helps you translate your artistic and educational skills into a sustainable musical work life
  • The Master’s project starts with the Artistic and Pedagogical Reflection course, which enables you to relate critically and analytically to your own and others’ practice as artists and/or music teachers.

In the second year you make your actual Master’s Project within a self-chosen artistic, performative and/or educational subject. Popular topics are songwriting, composition, music production or the creation of new educational material.

Soloist programme (2 years)

With a Master’s Degree, you may apply for the 2-year Advanced Postgraduate Diploma (Soloist).
The program is organized individually and is very flexible. The goal is to prepare you to work as a musician at the highest international level.


The Bachelors, Master’s and Soloist programs are described in detail in their respective curricula. You can find the relevant curriculum in the general overview of jazz/pop curricula here.