“That’s what makes me authentic, because what we do makes sense”

Music professionals’ experiences of authenticity: A phenomenological, hermeneutical interview study

v. Turid Nørlund Christensen m. fl.

Lektor Turid Nørlund Christensen er sammen med Julie Ørnholt Bøtker (AAU) og Stine Lindahl Jacobsen (AAU) medforfatter på en ny artikel udgivet i det internationale tidsskrift ‘Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy’.

I artiklen undersøger forfatterne begrebet ‘autenticitet’ inden for tre musikprofessionsområder fra et praksisbaseret perspektiv. Musikterapeuter, musikpædagoger og musikperformere (seks deltagere) blev interviewet to gange om deres oplevelser af deres egen autenticitet, når de faciliterer musikaktiviteter med børn og voksne (forældre eller lærere). Resultaterne peger i retning af et nyt konceptuelt rammeværk bestående af seks elementer, der alle vedrører oplevelsen af autenticitet: forhold, rolle, kontekst, professionalisme, personlighed og værdier. Desuden opstod et andet tema gennem induktiv analyse – ‘svævende-forankring’ – der beskriver og syntetiserer forbindelsen mellem refleksiv og sanselig opmærksomhed, der supplerer hinanden i oplevelsen af autenticitet inden for disse tre musikprofessionsområder.

Within music education, music therapy, and music performance theory, various perspectives on the concept of authenticity have been discussed and investigated. Authenticity seems to be a concept with wide possibilities for application and likewise wide definitional borders, which makes it hard to investigate. Drawing on the knowledge and framework developed by Bøtker and Jacobsen (2023), we wish to continue the investigation of authenticity within three music professions from a practice-based perspective. For this study, music therapists, music educators, and music performers (six participants) were interviewed twice about their experiences of their own authenticity when facilitating musical activities with children and adults (parents or teachers).
The interviews were transcribed and analysed using a thematic coding analysis: deductively using the conceptual framework by Bøtker and Jacobsen as well as inductively by looking for new emerging themes across these three professions. The findings confirm the conceptual framework but also suggest an expansion, adding the element of ‘Values’. The new framework consists of six elements that all pertain to the experience of authenticity: relationship, role, context, professionalism, personality, and values. Furthermore, another theme appeared through the inductive analysis – ‘floating-anchoring’ – describing and synthesising the connection between the reflective and the sensorial awareness that supplement each other in the experience of authenticity
within these three music professions. This floating-anchoring synthesis is suggested as a relevant framework for training and education within the three music professions.

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