Forskningspublikationer fra Øyvind Lyngseth

Artikler om musikpædadogik og musikfilosofi

DJMs underviser i kunstnerisk og pædagogisk refleksion, Øyvind Lyngseth, har udgivet to peer reviewede artikler i hhv. Nordisk musikpædagogisk forskning. Årbog 19 og i antologien udgivet af Norges Musikkhøgskole / Cappelen Damm forlag: Musikkfilosofiske tekster. Tanker om musik – og språk, tolkning, erfaring, tid, klang, stilhet. m.m.

1. Den sidste udgivelse har overskriften Klang – musikværkets tingsmæssige grund, er skrevet på dansk og har følgende engelske abstract:
The aim of this chapter is to discuss timbre and the quality of sound as the fundamental thingness of a musical work of art. With reference to Martin Heidegger’s work The Origin of the Work of Art it discusses the limitations and problems of a derived music-theoretical analysis of musical artwork. It argues that in our experience of music, the phenomenon of music has always already shown itself to us in an immediate and unthematized way, conditioning our very understanding prior to any theoretical encounter. The point of this inquiry is to provide a fruitful phenomenological approach to the examination of the experience of music. An analysis of Hugo Riemann’s function harmonic analysis exemplifies a kind of (pseudo) Kantian approach to the understanding of music experience. It also serves as an example of the limitations of a dichotomized and analytical approach compared to a phenomenological approach.

Artiklen er publiceret som Open Access og kan frit downloades via dette link Musikkfilosofiske tekster. Tanker om musikk – og språk, tolkning, erfaring, tid, klang, stillhet m.m. | Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing

2. Den anden artikel har overskriften Mesterlære – en analyse af forholdet mellem viden, kunnen og forståelse – med referencer til den musikpædagogiske mesterlærepraksis
Artiklen er skrevet på dansk og kan downloaldes via følgende link: Lyngseth_Mesterlære_forholdet_mellem_viden_kunnen_forstaaelse.pdf

Artiklens engelske abstract:
Apprenticeship – an analysis of the relation between knowledge, know-how and understanding with references to the practice of music-pedagogical apprenticeship. What is learning and how is it constituted? Hubert and Stuart Dreyfus´ analysis of apprenticeship provides the background for a discussion of the relationship between three theoretical approaches to learning: the idea of individually constituted learning, the social theory of learning (Lave and Wenger)/ Practice Theory (Schatzki) and philosophical hermeneutics. The article analyzes the relation between knowledge and know-how and examines the question of the significance of participation in social practice. It introduces philosophical hermeneutics to mediate between diverse perspectives on the concept of learning. The article unfolds an immanent critique of Dreyfus´ phenomenological analysis of learning. It argues that their model of learning is inconsistent. The critique highlights the significance of participation in practice, and illustrates the discussion with reference to Jean Lave’s ethnographical studies of tailoring apprenticeship among Vai and Gola tailors in Monrovia. The article argues that learning is conditioned by affiliation to the practice in which it takes place and that understanding (and thereby learning) is constituted by both subjective/individual and general/common matters – thus rejecting any dichotomous relation between knowledge and know-how and between individual and practice-conditioned learning.

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