Jakob Thorkild Overgaard
Lecturer, Auditive analysis,Theoretical Pedagogy, Art and ContextLecturer, auditiv analysis, theoretical pedagogy, art & context, etc
Jakob Thorkild Overgaard has a background primarily in experimental music (improvisation, electronics, looping, noise, experimental jazz etc), but also pop and composed music in a more traditional sense.
Jakob Thorkild Overgaard teaches auditiv analysis, theoretical pedagogy, art & context, compositional method, music history.
Fields of interest
- Listening
- Electronic music
- Experimental Music
- Art after 1900
- Didactics and pedagogy
- Sustainable entrepreneurship in creative subjects
Education (Academic/artistic qualifications)
2002 School for Improvisational Music, New York
2006 Masters degree Musicology, theoretical pedagogy, art history, University of Copenhagen
Work experience (selected)
Head of censors. Sonic College, Sound Design. Maj. 2021-2023
Lecturer RAMA, Education for Electronic Sound and Music, Dept. Aalborg 2021–
Deputy head of censors Sonic College, Sound Design. May 2019 – May 2121
Teacher RAMA, Education for Electronic Sound and Music, Dept. Aalborg 2017-2020
External lecturer, University of Copenhagen, Dept. Musicology 2010/2013-2017
Research Projects