
The festival involves seven festival concerts, the majority of which will feature a combination of students and faculty.

Also the festival involves three free concerts with participants (scroll down).


Ticket for each festival concert: DKKR: 100
Package with all concerts: DKKR: 500
Package with all concerts and all Lecture ricitals: DKKR: 650
How to buy tickets – read here.


August 23, 19.30: Musikhuset Aarhus, Lille Sal
Exploring string instruments
Music by Bartok, Steen-Andersen, Benjamin, Volfing-Højager, Abrahamsen and Saariaho.
Anne Sophie Andersen, Steven Dann, Michel Camille, Henrik Brendstrup and Participants.
More info

August 25, 19.30: St. Pauls Kirke, Aarhus
Conversations with Bach
– Contemporary music inspired by and modeled over baroque music
Music by Klaverdal, Bach, Buene, Steen-Andersen and Bartok.
Anne Sophie Andersen, Henrik Brendstrup, Stefan Klaverdal and Participants.
More info

August 27, 19.30: Musikhuset Aarhus, Symfonisk Sal
Masters of the String Quartet
Music by Bartok, Ives and Holmboe.
Philip Setzer and Quartets in residence/participants
More info

August 28, 19.30: Musikhuset Aarhus, Symfonisk Sal
August 31, 19.30: Royal Danish Academy of Music, Copenhagen, Studiescenen
In the wake of magnitude
Music by Golijov, Nørgård, Beethoven and Barber.
Nickie Johansson, Philip Setzer, Eugene Drucker, Anne Sophie Andersen, Steven Dann, Henrik Brendstrup and Participants.
More info

August 29, 19.30: Musikhuset Aarhus, Kammersalen
Musical landscapes
Music by Nielsen, Saariaho, Buene, Thomas and Bartok.
Eugene Drucker, Philip Setzer, Anne Sophie Andersen, Steven Dann, Henrik Brendstrup, Jocelyn Ho and Participants.
More info

August 30, 20.00: Skt. Lukas Kirke, Aarhus
Aria – strings, voice and musical narrative
Music by Kwong-Brown, Drucker and Hellawell.
Nickie Johansson and Qartets in residence.
More info


August 24, 19.30: Musikhuset Aarhus, Lille Sal
String Quartets In Residence-recital
Destremau: String Quartet no. 1
Brian Baumbusch: Three Elements
Brahms: Quartet a minor
Garth Knox: Sattelites
Nick Virzi: Music for String Quartet

Emanio Quartet
Friction Quartet

August 28, 12.00: Musikhuset Aarhus, Lille Sal
Participant concert
– with works written and performed by faculty and participants from all programs; works for solo instruments and small ensembles, with and without electronics.
Works by: Schedel, Sakham, Jalving, Wedlund, Virzi, Destremau, Dyrnes, Lakicevic and Ebrahimian. (Visit Partipant Profiles)

August 30, 12.00: Bispegaarden, Aarhus
Chamber music concert
– with participants from all programs, accompanied by faculty:
Kurtag: Officium Breve op. 28 (string quartet)
Tower: Rising (flute quintet)
Lutoslawski: Partita for Violin and Piano (excerpt)
Ottander: Piano Quintet