Examples of Co-creation
In the first semester, the students on the program worked on a co-creation project with theater people. On this page you can also read about other examples of co-creation.
Film music project
In the spring of 2024, the students from Music and Co-creation participated in a co-creation project with the Danish Talent Academy’s film line, where the students themselves had to write and produce a short film (fiction) for their year-end.
RAMA’s students were part of the film teams as composers of original film music. Creating a film is very much a team effort, and RAMA’s students were part of the process in all phases, from pre-production to finished film. In addition to following the process, they could also contribute artistically along the way.
One of the films from the project is “All overboard”, with music by RAMA students Benjamin Djurhuus and Johanna Vosmar Denning. (Acting: Martin Pilekær Larsen and Sacha Thorslund. Direction: Johanne Kirstine Riis. Idea and script: Rikke Madsen. Photographer: Benjamin Haahr. Produced by John Stisen.)
Theater project with NTL
In the first semester of the new degree – i.e. in autumn 2023 – the students have worked intensively with two directors and choreographers, Alice Occhiali and Valerio Peroni, from the Nordic Theater Laboratory in Holstebro and with five international actors in residence at NTL.
Together they have explored the theme “Elsewhere” and given the theme a theatrical life. Along the way, musicians and actors have exchanged skills from each of their artistic practices and challenged themselves and each other to work with visual arts, music and drama, regardless of their own artistic starting point.
Through working in pairs and in groups, they have created a series of scenes together, which were presented at a work presentation on 8 December 2023 at NTL. In addition, the students have created completely new music for the project, based on the original NTL performance “Elsewhere”, which premiered on 23 November 2023.
See the video (in Danish) telling about the programme, with the NTL project as an example, on Youtube here.
Music and Health
For a number of years, the Acdemy has worked with the use of music in the health sector, e.g. as pain relief.

In November 2022, the project “Live music for intensive care patients”, of which RAMA is a significant part, won the Danish Nursing Council’s Athena prize. One or two students play “concerts” for individual patients in an intensive care unit at Aarhus University Hospital (AUH), and in parallel the nurses collect data to document the effect.
In an interview study, patients almost unanimously said that music gave them a break and peace from thought chaos and illness. At the same time, the collected data showed that the heart and respiration rates decreased, and both the pain experience and the measured stress level were reduced. In autumn 2023, the project will continue in the intensive care unit at Regionshospitalet Horsens.