
Marimba robot at RAMA

Together with the University of Aarhus and Aarhus Jazz Orchestra, RAMA has invited the world’s most musical robot to Aarhus, where it will take part in a seminar and two concerts.


The robot Shimon plays marimba and is known for his refined artificial and musical intelligence. He is one of the most advanced robots in the world, he can improvise and interact musically with his fellow players. Read more about the concerts with Shimon and Aarhus Jazz Orchestra on September 30 here.

For the occasion, composer and head of studies Signe Bisgaard, as well as composer and associate professor Morten Riis, both from RAMA, have written the piece We, Robots, the world’s first piece for big band and robot, exploring how artificial intelligence, robotics and jazz musicians can play together in a unique concert installation.

As a prelude to We, Robots, RAMA collaborates with the University of Aarhus, Department of Communication and Culture, and Aarhus Jazz Orchestra on an international seminar for researchers and others interested in the importance of artificial intelligence, among other things. Among the presenters are Shimon’s “father” from the Robotic Musicianship at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States. Read more about the seminar here.

Also, on September 30 there is a fernisage from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. with free access for everyone in the Chamber Music Hall and at the Club Stage in the Music House. Here, students from both the classical, the jazz/pop and the electronic composer departments and from the songwriting program present a series of installations, performances and mini-concerts after a project week, where they have worked with music and artificial intelligence. This is the first time that a new, intensified collaboration between the creative programs at RAMA present itself with a large joint project.

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