Language Policy at RAMA


The Language Policy at RAMA follows the strategy that RAMA has implemented to devel-op and improve the international environment at RAMA in order to attract the most tal-ented international applicants. RAMA believes that increased internationalisation and a focus on foreign language use in education will help prepare everyone – both Danish as well as international students – for a global labor market.

The language policy must clarify to all stakeholders the role that language plays at RAMA, and how RAMA, through an active language policy, can help to integrate international students and teaching staff as well as possible in the institution, while at the same time optimising their benefit from the teaching.

The Language Policy has primarily been formulated in relation to the difficulties that Non-Nordic students may encounter during their studies.

The Policy will provide any interested persons with an overview of how RAMA is able to accommodate the particular circumstances that apply at a higher music education insti-tution that aims to admit students from all over the world, what are expected of interna-tional students and both Danish and international teachers at the Academy, and what RAMA offers to meet the needs of international students.


  • The primary language at RAMA is Danish
  • Courses are offered in English where relevant
  • The Academy can offer a special study module in English for international students
  • International students are encouraged to participate in Danish courses in order for them to achieve the necessary Danish skills for instruction in Danish
  • RAMA encourage and support staff members to learn foreign languages – in particular English
  • English is used as second language in instruction and in information material
  • The joint study programmes in which RAMA participates are provided in English
  • The Academy website,, is available in both Danish and English
  • RAMA aims to provide information, postings and other internal communication on the intranet in both Danish and English if the information have relevance to studies.

Language at RAMA – students

In addition to their native language, applicants to RAMA are expected to have the neces-sary English skills for communication and instruction in English upon enrolment. Appli-cants from NonEU/EEA countries are required to account for their language skills in their application. All students at RAMA are expected to have the necessary language skills to study and receive instruction in English.

All international students are encouraged to participate in Danish courses in order for them to achieve the necessary Danish skills for instruction in Danish and to further inte-gration with their fellow students. RAMA organises Danish courses for international stu-dents in cooperation with relevant partners.
In cases where relevant and where language barriers may influence student performance, RAMA will offer special forms of examination to international students.

Language at RAMA – staff

RAMA is an international educational institution in which it is natural that all teaching staff members can provide teaching and undertake academic discussions in English and all employees in administrative or technical positions at RAMA are expected to be able to provide verbal guidance, information and help in English.

The primary language of instruction at RAMA is Danish, but if relevant the Academy offers tuition in English – taking into account class size and practical scheduling.

Non-Danish teaching staff are not required to teach in Danish but are expected to have the necessary language skills to teach in English. Nonetheless, they are encouraged to participate in Danish classes to acquire a basic knowledge of Danish. In one-to-one teaching, the student and teacher are free to choose the teaching language in relation to the language skills of both parties.

Likewise, faculty can expect certain communication in English amongst the teaching staff.

Communication and information

RAMA wants international students to have equal access to information relevant to their studies. The Academy is therefore committed to providing the necessary information and communication to international students and aims to make all relevant information ac-cessible in English such as the most important regulations, guidelines and curricula. The material is available at either or on the Academy’s intranet depending on relevance.

If certain material is not available in English, it is the student or teacher’s own responsibil-ity to seek out and obtain required information. The administration is always able to assist with information, support and guidance.

International students and teachers, just as their fellow Danish students and colleagues, are expected to be fully informed about rules and regulations as well as other obligations in relation to their studies or employment at RAMA. In principle, information and guidance in English should be equally accessible as in Danish regardless of the form of communication.

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