
Development of new original choir and vocal repertoire.

The artistic and pedagogical research project The Composing Conductor took place in the academic year 2021-22 at The Royal Academy of Music Aarhus/Aalborg (RAMA Vocal Center), led by assistant professor Malene Rigtrup.

The goal was, through the exploration of different artistic and pedagogical strategies, to add a creative element to the role of the choir leader. The intention was to infuse the “rhythmic vocal music” genre with even more artistic integrity.

The contemporary choral and vocal music scene is currently undergoing great development and receiving a lot of interest internationally. But, most often, its performers are reproducing existing compositions. There is a need for the birth of a new and more independent artistic direction for the genre, focusing on new, original, idiomatic, choral works.

Seventeen international and Danish students from five different courses at The Royal Academy of Music Aarhus/Aalborg, (mainly from RAMA Vocal Center), participated in the project as active co-creators.

Read more in “Postscript and reflection”

Video introduction to the project here.






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