
RAMA co-hosts international conference on brain science and music

Brain and music researchers from all over the world gather physically or online in Aarhus on 18-21. June 2021 to one of the largest conferences ever on neuroscience and music. Aarhus University and the Academy are the hosts, the conference is held partly online and partly in Musikhuset Aarhus.

At the conference “The neurosciences and music“, the latest research in music psychology and neuroscience is presented by a number of the leading international researchers in the field. Up to 500 participants from all corners of the world have registered, and among the speakers are researchers from e.g. Japan, India, New Zealand, USA and Europe. Approx. 70 participants are physically present in Aarhus, the rest participate online.

The theme of the conference is “Connecting with music across the lifespan”. Through a series of symposia, workshops and poster presentations, participants are introduced to the latest knowledge in a wide range of areas, for example about the interaction between body and brain during music practice; about problems with singing accuracy throughout a lifetime; about supporting healthy aging through music practice – and much, much more.

The conference participants get an update of their knowledge in the whole field of music and neuroscience, and they get inspiration for their own research or new tools for further work with, for example, the use of music in the treatment of very different problems in relation to mental and physical health.

Interdisciplinary collaboration

RAMA has for many years had a unique interdisciplinary collaboration with The Danish National Research Foundation’s “Center for Music in the Brain (MIB)” at Aarhus University. The head of MIB, Professor Peter Vuust, who is also a research professor at RAMA, contributes together with several researchers from MIB with presentations at the conference organized by the Italian Mariani Foundation.

A number of RAMA’s teachers also contribute with poster presentations of their research and development projects. For example, Professor Kristian Steenstrup shows through his project “Imagine, Sing, Play!” how mental training and the use of singing can replace parts of the physical exercise, with the same effect, by playing the trumpet. And Associate Professor Bjørn Petersen shows how a new measurement method, based on EEG (technique for registering the brain’s electrical activity), can objectively show the music perception of deaf people who hear using a cochlear implant, which can help audiologists with programming the implant.

Finally, during the conference, there will be a number of musical elements, which will primarily be delivered by students and lecturers from RAMA. The international guests will i.a. could experience the Academy’s big band, singing and dancing with students from the education for Rhythmic Music and Movement as well as an interactive singing session with professor of rhythmic choral conducting Jim Daus Hjernøe.

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