KONSert Aalborg – next generation
Mød den næste generation af musikere i Huset i Hasserisgade!
I lighed med tidligere år rykker en række bands og solister fra Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium i løbet af efteråret ud af Musikkens Hus og ind på Huset i Hasserisgade.
Francisco Moura – catarina arbusto
Based between Lisbon and Aalborg, “catarina arbusto” is the electro-acoustic project by Francisco Tavares Moura, where they explore the interaction between digital textures, hypnotic vocals, ethereal soundscapes and the deconstruction of the formats of folklore and pop music.
Andrea Sciusco (trommer), Mads Jensen (guitar) and Glen Montanaro (guitar):
We play original tunes, which are going to be a mixture of post rock/pop and jazz: the idea is to use improvisation and simple solution to lure the listener into an almost “soundtrack” experience based on strong melodies.
Arrangementet er gratis, og du kan bare dukke op uden billet. Kom gerne i god tid.