Debutkoncert – Carles Camarasa Botella, trompet

Trompetisten Carles Camarasa Botella fra Spanien afslutter sine studier i solistklassen ved Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium, konservatoriets højeste niveau, med denne debutkoncert.

Oplev trompeten i forskelligt selskab: Solotrompet, trompet med slagtøj, trio med violin og klaver og trio med basun og horn.

Botella siger selv om sin dbutkoncert:
“The world has been in turmoil for the past two years. It has been a time where restraint has been essential, and we have had to make great sacrifices in our social lives. It felt as if part of us had died. But every story has an end, and this one is no exception.

So, the bottom line is that we’re back on stage, alive again. We’re now back to doing it the way we know, with “live” performances, and because of the context of what we’ve been through, that is nothing but a great “gain”.

“Music is a way of thinking about the air, a way of learning the vibration that the atmosphere leaves in the ear”. Ramón Andrés. Philosophy and Consolation of Music.”


Carlos Carbo, basun
Ignacio Montero, horn
Marius Paschke, slagtøj
Maria Eshpai, klaver
Eva Laliena, violin


Werner Heider: Fanfarei
Anthony Plog: Trio for Brass
Jim Stephenson: Vignettes for Trumpet and Percussion
Eric Ewazen: Trio for Violin, Trumpet and Piano

Arrangementet er gratis, og du kan bare dukke op uden billet. Kom gerne i god tid.

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