Ny CD fra Søren Nørbo Trio: I ydre hjerte

Søren Nørbo, der er kendt fra sine samarbejder og udgivelser med internationale kapaciteter som Lee Konitz, Django Bates og Joakim Milder, udgiver den 1. marts I ydre hjerte, den fjerde cd med Søren Nørbo Trio.

Søren Nørbo (p, komp.) Nils Davidsen (b) Kresten Osgood (dr)

I ydre hjerte præsenterer nyt materiale fra pianisten Søren Nørbo på klaver med to af dansk jazz’ giganter som medspillere; Kresten Osgood på trommer og det nye medlem af trioen, Nils Davidsen, på kontrabas.

”Denne cd er måske den mest signifikante og helstøbte udgivelse fra det 10 år gamle orkester.”
(Søren Nørbo)

Lyt også på de fantasifulde og farverige udfoldelser af Søren Nørbos mange kompositioner på de tre tidligere cd’er – ”Attentio” (2002), ”Tu-whoo – To You” (2003) og ”Debates” (2006) – med Django Bates på tenorhorn.

www.sorennorbo.com kan man følge trioen og finde vej til download af endnu en udgivelse, Bergeries, med 9 andre nye kompositioner af Søren Nørbo.

Release for begge udgivelser: 1. marts 2011.


”their interplay is closely and dependently linked as listeners as much as players. Whether presenting each other open doors for various tempo changes, harmonic expansions, or modal explorations of themes, a continuous sense of dissection and evolution is maintained from one tune to the next” Laurence Donahue-Green, AllAboutJazz New York

”One of contemporary danish jazz’ most characteristic artists” Kjeld Frandsen, Berlingske

”With tonal finesse and interactive mobility, he shows melodic fantasy and a rather amusing sense for trio playing. His qualities as an instrumentalist, both rhythmic and harmonic are impressive and are always available for the best of the collective” Thierry Quénum, Jazz Magazine

”Søren Nørbo is one of our most prestigious pianists” Boris Rabinowitsch, Politiken

”This splashy, exultant piano trio from Denmark are characterised by quick wits and keen ears. As in free jazz, there’s no gap between thought and response, but the mood is less driven by angst than irrepressible, bubbling high spirits.” Alan Brownlee, Manchester Evening News

”The complete absence of “pianism” commands the listener’s attention. Thus cleansed of distraction – including jazz harmonic “treats” – Nørbo’s music sometimes manifests itself with almost graphic lucidity. … an example of Nørbo’s ability to classically re-interpret a theme – without resorting to trendy deconstruction.” Jørgen Siegumfeldt, Jazz Special

”You’re dealing with the kind of music that has a relatively undefined boundary between composition and improvisation and between jazz and classical musical idiom. Their music flowed in exciting patterns with many traversing and implicitly melodious lines. Søren Nørbo, who set the agenda with brilliant and imaginative playing, seasoning jazz creativity with romanticism and atonality, was also responsible for most of the compositions” Kjeld Frandsen, Berlingske Tidende

”Søren Nørbo plays in a way that is tied to convention but at the same time challenges convention. He is capable of accomplishing this with a controlled passion that adheres to the theme at the heart of a piece of music.” Boris
Rabinowitsch, Politiken

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