
RAMA professor receives 46 million

RAMA’s research professor Peter Vuust (photo left) has received an additional DKK 46 million from the Danish National Research Foundation to continue the research at “Center for Music in the Brain” at Aarhus University and The Royal Academy of Musik, Aarhus-Aalborg.

Five years ago, Peter Vuust established the Danish National Research Foundation’s Center for Music in the Brain (MIB), an interdisciplinary research center that examines what happens in the brain when we listen to, sing and play music together.

Now Vuust receives another research grant, so that he and his colleagues, including musicians, psychologists, doctors and scientists, can take the ongoing research a step further.

Since the center was established in 2015, it has developed into the largest research center in the field of neuro-music in Europe, perhaps even worldwide. It has attracted a number of international experts, who are now employed at the center, and the research is gaining great international attention, i.a. in the journal Nature, which has published a feature article about Peter Vuust.

Peter Vuust is an active jazz bassist and was in 2007 appointed Professor at RAMA. From 2006 to 2015 he was leader of an interdisciplinary research group at Aarhus University and RAMA exanimating how music affects the brain, e.g. using brain scanning. This work continues in MIB.

See the press release from Aarhus University here (in Danish).

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