
International brain research conference at RAMA

Aarhus and the Academy shall host a large international scientific conference on brain research and music. The congress will be held on 19-22 June, 2020, part of the program being held at the Academy in the Music Hall Aarhus.

The overall theme of the conference is “Connecting with music across the lifespan”, and it addresses professionals and students in both the medical and musical fields. The program will include lectures, symposiums, poster sessions and a pre-conference workshop. In addition, there will be networking, concerts, jam sessions and more.

The conference is being held by the Danish National Research Foundation’s Center for Music In the Brain (MIB), and the Mariani Foundation for Pediatric Neurology, in collaboration with the Academy, the University of Aarhus and the Municipality of Aarhus. MIB is an interdisciplinary center led by research professor at the Academy, Peter Vuust. MIB and the Mariani Foundation have just invited internationally, both contributors and participants.

Visit the conference website.

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