Global Dialogues

Glomus Global Dialogues is a lecture series at Glomus Camp 2022 in Aarhus

Global and current issues in relation to art, interculture and education will be discussed via presentations from competent researchers, teachers, artists, and cultural personalities.

The Camp presents the following six Global Dialogues live in Musichall Aarhus and with live stream worldwide.


The concept of Artistic Citizenship
Thursday 18 august 2:15-3:30 pm – Lille Sal, Musichall Aarhus
Margrethe Langer Bro (DK), Jesper Nordin (DK) and Mark Stewart (USA, invited by Aarhus Symphony Orchestra)
Theme: How can cultural institutions and art educations actively interfere in the development of welfare societies – especially with a focus on music and health?

The UN’s Global Goals and the World’s Best News
Saturday 20 august 2:15-3:30 pm – Lille Sal, Musichall Aarhus
Thomas Ravn Petersen, Director World’s Best News
Theme: Why is it important that the news media also contain positive news about global progress? How can the UN’s 17 World Goals be used actively by cultural life?

Sustainability and Art Education – Perspectives from South
Monday 22 august 2:15-3:30 pm – Lille Sal, Musichall Aarhus
Dr Eric Debrah Otchere (Ghana), Shahanum Shah (Malaysia) and Randall Stubbs (Tanzania/USA)
Theme: How does the discussion on sustainability and the possibility of cultural institutions to influence development look from several different geographical positions?

The story of ODIN Theater in Holstebro, Denmark
Tuesday 23 august 2:15-3:30 pm – Lille Sal, Musichall Aarhus
Roberta Carreri (DK/Italy)
Theme: For more than 50 years, the Danish town of Holstebro has housed a unique international theater laboratory, the ODIN theatre.
Odin Teatret has so far created 79 performances, performed in 66 countries and different social contexts. During these experiences, a specific Odin theatre culture has grown, founded on cultural diversity. One of the actors that has been part of Odin theatre almost since the beginning, Roberta Carreri, will talk about the global work of Odin and how working with performing arts can cross cultural borders.

Representation, Wokeism and Cultural Appropriation
Wednesday 24 august kl. 2:15-3:30 pm – Lille Sal, Musichall Aarhus
Moussa Mchangama (DK)
Theme: Working with arts in a modern global world creates dilemmas in regards to diversity, representation, inclusion and justice. How do we cope with these dilemmas in a meaningful and inclusive way?
Moussa Mchangama is a researcher and founder of the Danish company “In Futurum” that helps companies prepare for a more sustainable future. He will guide us through some of these dilemmas in regards to being an artist of today.

The story of ANIM, Afghan National Institute of Music
– NOTE: New time! Thursday 25 august 3:00-4:00 pm
-NOTE: Beboerhuset Laden, Edwin Rahrs Vej 6B, Gellerup

Dr Ahmad Sarmast, Director ANIM (Afghanistan)
Theme: Winner of the Polar Prize Dr Admad Sarmast will take us through the astonishing story of ANIM as an example of how much an artistic vision can influence a whole society.

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