
GLOMUS as an example and inspiration

A new publication from the Ministry of Education and Research provides information and inspiration to higher education institutions in Denmark regarding the EU program Erasmus +. The program supports collaborative projects between Danish institutions, other Erasmus + program countries and partner countries outside the EU. In the new publication, RAMA’s commitment to the GLOMUS network is highlighted as a successful example of international mobility with support from Erasmus +.

GLOMUS is an international network within music, dance and drama with 25 partner organizations from western countries and countries from the Middle East, Asia, Africa and South and North America. RAMA was one of the founding fathers of the network. In the new publication, Vice-Principal Keld Hosbond from RAMA and International Coordinator Marie Groth from the Danish Performing Arts School tell about the many positive experiences gained through several years of exchange of students and teachers with partner countries in especially the 3rd world.

As an example, the two tell about their joint participation in GLOMUS camp 2019 in Georgia in September, with about 100 students and 40 teachers from 25 different countries. Through collaboration around music, dance and drama, participants learned a lot from each other, across cultures. Hosbond and Groth list several positive benefits from such a cultural meeting and make specific recommendations for establishing international collaborations.

Read more (in Danish): Inspiration and information about Erasmus + (pages 11-13)

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