
Professor at new center for knowledge in the arts

Together with the other artistic school under the Ministry of Culture, RAMA is founding member of the new “Center for Kunstnerisk Viden og Udvikling” (International Center for Knowledge in the Arts). On 1 August, the center appointed Swedish-born Kristoffer Gansing as professor and head of the center.

The center shall develop and strengthen the collaboration between the artistic schools research and artistic development. The center works e.g. with a mutual portal and an interdisciplinary language for artistic research and development, which can manifest itself in PhD programs, publications and seminars, both nationally and internationally, but also through more performative forms of dissemination of art knowledge.

Professor Gansing is a former head of transmediale in Berlin, where he has created a united and dynamic forum for sharing the knowledge of art, across disciplines. He has worked with e.g. collective and self-organized cultural projects and has a PhD. from K3 School of Art & Communication in Malmö. In addition to Gansing, the center currently has two employees. A website is under construction. Read more.

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