Work demonstration:Elsewhere

In this work demonstration you will see the conclusion of a path that Alice Occhiali and Valerio Peroni, actors, directors and teachers of Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium, have taken with the students of B.A. “Rytmisk Musik og Samskabelse” from Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium.
The five students of the B.A. were collaborating with five international actors/actresses in residence at NTL, researching together on the theme of “Elsewhere” and giving life to scenic material. Musicians and actors exchanged their skills of their artistic practice, challenging themselves to working on both the form of art, music, and drama, experimenting also in the field that they were not belonging to. Through work in couples and group exercises they gave life to scenes that will be showed in this work demonstration.
Moreover, the musicians have been asked to create musical compositions, live or recorded, starting from an existing performance called “Elsewhere”, that had its premiere the 23 November 2023 at NTL.
The work demonstration will be organized as a hybrid between a conference and a performance: the showing of the scenic materials created will be alternate with short explanation of the process.
You will get a taste of how much there is in common in two forms of art, like music and drama, that often are kept separate and autonomous, and how much can be nourishing, for both sides, a synergetic work of co-creation.