Students at RAMA open the doors to some of the rehearsal rooms at SPOT Festival Saturday 4th May 14:00-18:30 in order for the audience in small groups to get really close to the music and musicians.
The rooms will offer a variety of genres and instruments.
More info (in Danish): Click Danish in the top menu.
Rom 120:
14.00: Plum and I
15.00: Via col vento
16.00: Ivan W.B.
17.00: Søn af en Gud
Room 124:
14.00: Dahl/Miilmann/Marker
15.00: ‘Rebirth In The Making’
16.00: Kalpi
17.00: Sophie-Lou
Room 126:
14.30: Karen Nice
15.30: When in Doubt
16.30: Sofie Mathiasen
17.30: Popfar
Room 128:
14.30: Groove Junction
15.30: Meike
16.30: Forræder
17.30: Johanna Denning Kvartet
Room 130:
15.00: Sandløber
16.00: Malene