Meet the Academy students in the practice room!
More info (in Danish): Click Danish in the top menu.
Green Room (118)
14.30-15:00 Kaleidoscope
15.30-16:00 Langgaard Duo
16:45-17:15 The Open Source Orchestra
Blue Room (120)
14.30-15.00 nikkipax
15.45-16.15 Sortblod
17.00-17.30 Lea Kampmann
Red Room (124)
14.00-15.00 Lösgodis
15:45-16.15 iiris
17.00-17.30 Døtre
Purple Room (126)
14.00-14.30 Samuel Kiel Trio
15.15-15.45 Cortes Kvintet
16.30-17.00 Nordlys
17.30-18.00 Louise Schröder
Yellow Room (130)
14.00-14.30 Lulu Flex
15.15-15:45 Aya Vedige
16.30-17.00 Ravn
17.30-18.00 Søren Bang: How I Create Ideas