Soloist Concert – Rasmus Dahl Unearth Orchestra

Rasmus Dahl studies at the soloist programme at RAMA.
More info (in Danish): Click Danish in the top menu.
Rasmus Dahl Unearth Orchestra
Rasmus Dahl: Bouzouki, mandolin, piano and vocal
Viktoria Søndergaard: Vibraphone
Freja Sibbern: Accordeon
Søren Gustav: Violin
Halfdan Hesselager: Trumpet
Johanna Denning: Trumpet
Robin Døssing: Trombone
Alina Pettinen: Altsax
Simone Bernskov: Tenorsax
Viktor Nilsson: Guitar
Meike Frandsen: Vocal
Anna Vind: Vocal
Emma Tingager: Vocal
Lærke Sofie Bjerg: Vocal
Naja Holst Nymand: Vocal
Maline Heiberg: Vocal
Sofus Emil Sørensen: Vocal
David Miilmann: Vocal
Lukas Hainer: Vocal melodica
Andreas Gade: Vocal
Asger Laursen: Bass
Lasse Herold: Drums and percussion
Barbara Søndergaard: Cello
Smilla Ibsen: Flute
The concert is free, and you can just show up without a ticket. Please come early.