Soloist Concert – Fifi Lee, soprano

Soprano Yu Ching Fifi Lee studies at the soloist programme at RAMA.
Fifi Lee sings a mixed program with both Chinese and European vocal music.
太陽島之戀 (The Island of the love) – 李群&李奐之Li Huanzhi; Li Qun
思鄉 (Nostalgia) – 黃自Huang Tzu
玫瑰三願 (Three wishes from a rose) – 黃自 Huang Tzu
梧桐樹(Phoenix Tree) – 奚其明Xi Qiming
虞美人 聽雨 (Lady Yu- Listening to the rain) – 白棟樑Bai Dongliang
我的深情為你守候 (My affection awaits you) – 欒凱Luan Kai
Prendi per me sei libero (L’elisir d’amore) – Gaetano Donizetti
Urbs Caelestis – Orbán György
Fűzfa dal- Emil Petrovics
Ah! Perfido, op. 65 – Ludwig van Beethoven
Xuanzhu Pan, klaver
Maren Marie Tange, klaver