Chamber Music Concert

Tylmann Susato: From The Danserye
Rued Langgaard: Ribe tidlig morgen
Pierre Max Dubois: Le Cinema Muet
Leslie Basset: Trombone Quartet
Victor Ewald: Quintet nr. 1
Trumpet: Alfred Carslake, Anna Birgitte Solberg Høyland, Simon Gjedsted, Yonathan Wasserman, Miquel Pla Forcadell, Asier Sarasola Uranga
Horn: Maties Carbonell
Trombone: Joshua David Coll Tulloch, Sintija Millere, Kotryna Terminaite, Lucas Johansen, Ingvar Røhmen, Sander E.T. Gimse
Tuba: Quim Ferrer Marcoval, Hugo Prieto Toledo, Luis Garcia Pardo Campos
The concert is free, and you can just show up without a ticket. Please come early.