Joint concert feat. Irem Gümüşgöz (TR) and Andreas Nielsen (DK)

Alexandre Tansman: Variations on a theme by Scriabin
Joaquin Rodrigo: Invocacion y Danza
Leo Brouwer: Sonata del Caminante
Andreas Lassen Nielsen
S. Korucu: Nexus
C. Şaklar: Four Anatolian Imitations
C. Şaklar: Tepegöz Suit (Cyclops Suite)
I. Shepherd’s way
II. The Fairy
III. The Birth and The Regret
IV. Tepegöz (Cyclops)
V. Disaster of the Giant
VI. Basat and Preparation for the Combat
VII. The Combat and the Death of Cyclops
Irem Gümüşgöz
Enrique Granados: Danzas Españoles nr. 2 “Oriental”
Irem og Andreas