Masterclass – Jean-Baptiste Doulcet, piano

10.00 Emil Dalgaard – Prokofiev: 3rd Sonata.
11.00 Beining Liu – Chopin: Etude op 10 no 8 and Rachmaninov: Etude op. 33 no 3 (c minor) and Etude op 33 no 4 (d minor)
13.00 Zsofi Persanyi – Beethoven op. 31/3 1st movement + Liszt/Wagner: Liebestod
14.00 Lasse Binderup Andersen -Ravel: Sonatine: 1st and 2nd movement
15.00 – 17.00 Improvisation Workshop/Lecture – all pianists

Everybody is welcome


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